Erica Fairchild
  • Beaches

The beaches of Shenzhen are a paradise. Long stretches of soft sand and the warm sun will make you feel as if you're in a tropical parade. With mango trees lining the streets and a yearly average temperature of 72°F (22°C), you pretty much are.

  • Proximity to Hong Kong

Shenzhen's big brother is just 90 minutes away. It's an easy metro ride and a quick border crossing before the glitz and glamour of Hong Kong are at your fingertips.

  • Migrant city

Aside from our online center teachers, most of us teach local students, but in Shenzhen, students come from all over China. This gives you a chance to learn more about the country as a whole & enjoy traditions from multiple hometowns. It's an exciting place to be an English teacher!

  • Arts District

Shenzhen 22 is one of the best secrets of Shenzhen. Cafes, galleries and amazing wall murals in an old factory complex all combine to make an effortlessly cool place to hang out with friends, grab lunch and enjoy some pretty nifty art. In addition, there is the OCT Art & Design Gallery, which is incredibly popular for showcasing fashion & graphic designs.

  • Window of the World

Want to travel all across the world without spending too much? Visit Window of the World in Shenzhen and you can save thousands! You'll find replications of the world's most famous sites– from the Great Pyramids to Niagara Falls, the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Taj Mahal and everything in between. Don't forget to take a selfie to send your friends!

  • Clean/Low Air pollution

With an average AQI rarely going outside the “healthy/suitable for outdoor activities” range, not only is Shenzhen one of the cleanest cities, it's one of the healthiest.

  • Obama's half-brother's restaurant

Visit Cabin BBQ, sometimes called Muwu, when in Shenzhen. Run by Obama's half-brother Mark, it's become so popular that it's now found in several cities across China. It's a delicious meal where all varieties of food are grilled on skewers and served up while you and friends relax, drink some beers and enjoy delicious food on an outdoor patio.

  • Green spaces & hiking

Lianhua Mountain Park & Fairy Lake Botanical Gardens aren't just two of the best parks in Shenzhen – many people say they are two of the best & most beautiful parks in China! In addition to the parks & beaches, there are several hiking trails surrounding the city that make for a great day trip.

  • The biggest city you've never heard of

Shenzhen is the fourth-largest city in China and has the highest density of any city in China. Some sources say that the city is growing so fast that it could become the world's largest city by 2030!

  • Dongmen

This is THE place to go for new clothes and souvenirs. A pedestrian street in one of the largest market areas of China, it's very easy to spend an entire day here shopping and wandering around the stalls.

Shenzhen is a beautiful city that many people haven't heard of. If you feel ready to start your adventure, apply now.

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