What is a Teacher Ambassador?

Maggie Radl

You probably remember teacher ambassadors from your onboarding! They were the friendly faces that were there to greet you on your first day of training. Teacher ambassadors are simply English 1 teachers who embody the company brand, and who are eager for the opportunity to help new-coming teachers and prospective teachers. If you love helping others, answering questions, being a social butterfly, and professional development - then this is a great role for you!

What Are the Program Requirements?

To be a teacher ambassador, you need to help at a minimum of three on-boardings. Trust me, once you're done with your required three, you will want to attend more! Additionally, you have to complete at least three simple trainings that help you become the best ambassador you can be! They are easy, fun, and a great opportunity to network. Since your main job as an ambassador is to be a resource to new/potential teachers, one of your biggest responsibilities is fielding emails from those deciding to come to English 1 as well as those who are preparing to make their trip. Emails need to be responded to within 24 hours, therefore you need to make sure you're the type of person who is on top of things! Similarly, we also provide newly on-boarded teachers a resource to field questions that arise once they've actually moved to China. Questions vary everything from “How do I pay my bills” to “What area of the city should I live in?” Every ambassador is required to complete at least one project during the six-month program. This can include anything from blogs, leading a tour for a new onboarding group, or creating a video for English 1's social media platforms!

Why Become One?

First and foremost, being a teacher ambassador is about helping potential teachers feel more comfortable before they come to China, as well as easing the transition after arrival. If you enjoy helping others, this is a great opportunity for you! If you need more incentives, this is also a great chance for professional development. The icing on top of the cake is that once you've finished the program you will receive a Completion Certificate that you can use however you'd like – and looks great on LinkedIn!

I'm Sold! How Do I Become A Teacher Ambassador?

Before you sign up for the program make sure you meet the qualifications. To be able to advise about teaching, English 1, and your city, you need to have some experience with these things! Because of this, you need to have worked at English 1, in your city, for at least 3 months. Similarly, the ambassador program is over six months; so to complete the program you should have around six months left in your contract. If you meet these requirements and are interested, then don't hesitate! To become an ambassador is not an application, but rather a nomination. When a new ambassador round is opened an email will be sent out for accepting nominations, as well as a date for the information session. Please speak to your line manager to be nominated as they know your soft skills best. If you meet the criteria and have a glowing recommendation, you will be contacted for an interview. Upon acceptance, you will receive an email with information regarding the first training! After that, all you need to do is get ready to be a role model and represent English 1!

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