Shaniah Bartlett

You've probably heard the saying 'The world is your oyster!'. While that might be true, I personally hate oysters, and have no time to wait for pearls. Sorry not sorry. To reframe the age-old saying, 'The world is YOURS!'. It's true. Humans are incredible at designing ways to go anywhere; but we're bad at taking the plunge. So be honest with yourself. How many pipe dreams have you had come to fruition? None? Maybe that's because you are caught up with your current obligations; maybe you're still in university; maybe you can't imagine financing a big move overseas; or maybe you just don't know where to start. America is explorable, but picture yourself going to a whole country the size of Maine, or conversely, imagine being raised in a town of 2,000 and moving to a city of 24 million. You can achieve your goals; especially your ambitions to travel.

Apply yourself

There are plenty of jobs abroad. It would be against the truth to say there's only one avenue for an American to gain international flair (and get paid). One of the most gratifying ways to work overseas is through teaching English. The world is growing and changing- but one constant aspect of humanity is the omnipresent force of communication. As an American, you have the unique possibility of bringing the English language to people of all ages. EF can help you get a rewarding job abroad. We're a 55-year-old family, 52,000 strong; and growing. Through EF, you will join a dynasty of passionate communicators, travelers and cultural immersers. Apply to be a teacher and commit to the growth that ensues.

Experience *is* experience

If we followed the college game-plan that was force fed to us in high school, there would not be room to develop. The fascinating part of the human experience is the idea of passion. Passion is why you're considering a job overseas. You might not be able to define why you urge to live and work internationally- and that is an opportunity to flip your perspective. What qualm do you have about seeing yourself as an English teacher? Write it down and define it as a strength that you will bring to a classroom. Our teachers are business majors; they're theater minors; they are people who have discovered that it takes all strengths to teach English abroad. So, join EF and open the world through education.

Trust the process

Now that you've realized your desire to get a foreign paycheck, you should be realistic about how to get there. If I said getting a job in a new country was daunting and you didn't believe me, maybe this isn't for you. If your response was to accept the challenge and rise to the occasion, you can graduate from having a poster of China on the wall to making that poster a reality with you as the photographer. To be blunt, the process of international employment is what deters even the most qualified people from applying. You get to apply for a foreign visa. Do you realize just how unique that is? Have trust in your recruiter and follow the procedure to attain that visa!

The work is worth it

You deserve to travel the world. Whether you believe it or not, you have all the necessary tools within you. Do your research, apply to a company you trust, get your visa, and pack your bags. If you are attached to a lease and want to leave immediately, sublet. If people holding you back, let them go. There is a way to say yes to this opportunity even if you are misguided by other arenas of your life. Realize that as an American, living and working abroad is a valuable privilege; one that you can use to change the world. So how can you get a job in a new nation? Just apply yourself.

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