teach English in Pontianak

Explore Pontianak

Pontianak is famously known as the equatorial city, because the equatorial line passes through the city. The Equator Monument (Tugu Khatulistiwa), commemorating the fact, is one of Pontianak’s main attractions.

650 K





Modes of Transportation



Khatulistiwa Park in Pontianak
street view in Pontianak

Equatorial City

Pontianak is the capital city of the West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat) Province, Indonesia. The city is known for its large trading port, and is located on the banks of the Kapuas River, which is the longest river in Indonesia.

The city is known as home to a number of ethnicities. Chinese-Indonesian, Dayak (native people of Kalimantan) and Malay are the three major ethnic groups, while a number of other minority ethnic groups such as Javanese and Bugis have migrated into the region. Because traffic is quite light in Pontianak, as you can go to most parts in the city within 15-20 minutes driving. Our EF Center is approximately 5-10 minutes to the Cathedral, 10 minutes to Jalan Gaja Mada (one of the main roads in Pontianak), 15 minutes to Ayani Mall. If you want to enjoy a city life with practically no traffic congestion, welcome to town!

Why teach English in Pontianak?

Alun-Alun Kapuas – Catch panoramic views of the longest river in Indonesia! Boat rides are available from 5pm daily.

Tugu Khatulistiwa – Celebrate Culmination Point (Titik Kulminasi) twice a year at this monument to the equator. You’ll quite literally lose your shadow!

Street Food – Pontianak is renowned throughout Indonesia for it’s vibrant cuisine. Local delicacies include Beef Kwetiao, Bakmi Kepiting, Kwe Kia Theng and satay. The diverse array of dishes reflect the differing cultures of the various ethnic groups.

Chinese New Year – “Imlek” also known as Chinese New Year celebrations were banned in Indonesia until a decade ago. The biggest celebration occurs every year in Pontianak, in a nod to the city’s large ethnic Chinese community.

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