Welcome To Chinesetown

Learn Chinese with English First

You don't have to learn Chinese to work with EF in China, but we have found that many of our teachers actively enjoy learning some Chinese. Before you come to teach in China, it might be useful to learn a few phrases to help you get by or even take your Chinese to the next level.

That’s why we offer free Chinese lessons to all our teachers, in class, or online. These classes range from beginner to advanced and can be taken online before you arrive in China, as well as continued once you’re here.

Free Chinese classes

It can sometimes be expensive to learn Chinese, and we don’t want the money to hold you back. That’s why we have developed our free online Chinese learning platform called Chinesetown, which offers you the perfect introduction to Chinese and is available free to all EF teachers. This tool is perfect for learning Chinese online.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never studied before, or you’re almost a native, Chinesetown's online Chinese lessons have something for everyone.

Free Chinese classes in EF
learn online for face to face

Learn Chinese online

Once you have accepted the job at EF, your recruiter will send you your login details for your free online Chinese classes. Learning Chinese online is a great way to explore the language.

Once you arrive in China, you will be able to apply everything you have learned to everyday life. Your Chinese online classes will cover everything from speaking to a taxi driver to buying clothes or vegetables.

Learn more

Learn F2F

You can also learn Chinese in China face-to-face with our Chinese Teachers. If you are teaching in Shanghai, you can also make the most of our free face-to-face Chinese lessons ( other cities will be opening soon. Stay tuned!)

Free Chinese classes in EF

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